Friday, June 12, 2009

Files Listing Command

In the Dos DIR Command is also used to list the files and folders
you can also list file and flder using several criteria such as alphabetical order, date ,size etc

/p: fills the screen with the results then pauses the screen
/w: displays the results in 5 columns
To display files according to various criteria:
/ah: displays hidden files
/ad: displays folders only
/ar: displays read-only files
/aa: displays files ready to be archived
/as: displays system files

-To display files in a required order:
/ON: sorted by name
/OS: sorted by size (ascending)
/OE: sorted by extension
/OD: sorted by date
/OG: sorted by parent folder
/OS: sorted by attribute
/s: displays the files located in a folder and all sub-folders
/b: minimal view
/l: displays results in lowercase
/v: displays additional information

Modifying file properties

The File properties can be activated or deactivated in DOS using the Follwoing command

attrib +/-a +/-h +/-s +/-r
where + activates and - deactivates and attribute follows.

a: archive attribute
h: hidden file attribute (the file remains hidden in normal file view)
r: read-only file attribute (the file cannot be deleted without deactivating this attribute)
s: system file attribute (important files which must be treated with care)
"attrib config.sys -a -r +h" deactivates archive and read-only attributes and hides the file.